Our Model

Theory of Change

{if} girls have an education, communities thrive, nations flourish, and overall planetary health improves.

For the first generation of girls in northern Pakistan, access to quality education is what will break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, lead to community development, and strengthen the overall health of the region. This is urgently needed in a nation like Pakistan, with the second highest out-of-school children rate globally. Pakistan’s stability is an urgent priority, with its geo-political and economic health felt globally, as well as it’s vulnerability to climate change.

Our strategic priorities are:

Community Engagement

We engage community leaders and mothers, working in lock-step with them to send their children, especially girls, to school for the first time. By empowering communities to own this process, we invest in long-term sustainability and success.

Teacher Training & Development

We hire and train teachers who inspire learning and are dedicated to long-term student success.

Learning Environments

We construct K-12 classrooms as needed, provide school school supplies, and create positive learning environments for our students. 

Student Success

We support students with learning differences or disabilities to ensure no one is left behind. We are also investing in curriculum development, offline e-learning and other resources to drive student success.

Access to Higher Education and Career Pathways

We provide scholarships for college and vocational degrees, and support local career pathways for girls. By doing so, we see the real-time impact of girls’ education on a community’s future.

How we engage communities:

We engage community leaders and mothers, working in lock-step with them to send their children, especially girls, to school for the first time. By empowering communities to own this process, we invest in long-term sustainability and success.

How we build stronger communities:

We hire and train teachers who inspire learning and are dedicated to long-term student success.

How we strengthen a nation:

We construct K-12 classrooms as needed, provide school school supplies, and create positive learning environments for our students. 

We strive for the {if} global effect:

We support students with learning differences or disabilities to ensure no one is left behind. We are also investing in curriculum development, offline e-learning and other resources to drive student success.

We strive for the {if} global effect:

We support students with learning differences or disabilities to ensure no one is left behind. We are also investing in curriculum development, offline e-learning and other resources to drive student success.

not now, when?